Any Questions?

  • All donations made to Baan Dek Foundation are channeled directly to its programs to ensure the well-being of vulnerable children and their families, while also covering overhead costs (only 11% of our budget is dedicated to overhead) that improve the organization's operational efficiency, thereby ultimately increasing the impact and sustainability of our mission.

  • United States and Australia: Donations made through our partner organization Give2Asia are tax deductible in both the United States and in Australia. Give2Asia has 501(c)3 status in the United States and is endorsed by the Australian Taxation Office as Deductible Gift Recipient. Please visit our profile on their website here for more information (tax exemption details are presented at the bottom of the web page).

    Thailand: We are in the process of making donations from Thai residents tax deductible. Follow us on social media to receive the announcement of when this will be possible. Until then, residents of Thailand can still donate to Baan Dek Foundation without claiming a tax deduction.

  • Yes, regular donations are very welcome. Donors can set up an automatic transfer with their bank using our banking information. The donor would need to:

    1. Contact us to get our banking information.

    2. Set up an automatic recurring transfer with their bank.

    Alternatively, through our partner Give2Asia, you can also donate on a monthly basis. Donations through Give2Asia are tax-exempt in the United States and Australia.

  • Yes, in-kind donations are welcome. However, we suggest that you contact us to confirm the nature of the donation is in line with current needs. Items that are often needed include children’s toys, books, and IT equipment.

  • Please get in touch with our Partnerships Team by email

  • If you care about our work but don’t want to donate, there are plenty of other ways to get involved. Please contact us to explore options. If you would like to join our team, check our current job openings and find information on internships and volunteer positions here.

If you could not find the answers you were looking for, please contact us and our team is happy to help.