Individual Support Project
One-on-one assistance to families facing critical challenges
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Together with the child and his/her family, SAs provide tailored case management for each and every unique case, shaping practical action plans. These tailored action plans, co-created with the child and/or family, include essential support such as facilitating access to public services (education, health care, and social protection), addressing food insecurity, delivering school supplies to remove barriers to education, emotional support, psychological first aid, and referral to social services to name a few. For cases that require immediate intervention, BDF promptly contacts national child protection authorities as well.
Tailored case management addressing each family’s unique needs
At the heart of BDF’s work lies its Individual Support Project (ISP), which seeks to support children and their families in critical need. Every day, BDF Social Advisors (case workers) identify cases of child neglect and/or abandonment, domestic violence, sexual abuse, child labor, and marginalization.
Empowering families with financial literacy training